Image: Bennu in unprecedented detail

This global map of asteroid Bennu’s surface is a mosaic of images collected by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft between Mar. 7 and Apr. 19, 2019. A total of 2,155 PolyCam images were stitched together and corrected to produce the mosaic. Source:…

More Than Half of All News Consumption On Facebook In America Is About the Coronavirus, Report Finds

The coronavirus has revived Facebook as a dominant news hub. According to an internal report by The New York Times, more than half of all news consumption on Facebook in America is about the virus. “Overall U.S. traffic from Facebook to other websites also increased by more than 50 percent last week from the week before, ‘almost entirely’ owing to intense…

More essential coronavirus links: March 17-23

A roundup of information from physicians, scientists and journalists. Source:…

Are There Security Risks When Millions are Suddenly Working from Home?

“The dramatic expansion of teleworking by U.S. schools, businesses and government agencies in response to the coronavirus is raising fresh questions about the capacity and security of the tools many Americans use to connect to vital workplace systems and data,” reports CNN: As of last week the Air Force’s virtual private networking software could only support 72,000 people at once, according…

Responding to Coronavirus Pandemic, Trump Eliminates Interest on US Students Loans

An anonymous reader quotes Politico: President Donald Trump on Friday said that he would eliminate the interest on federal student loans “until further notice” as part of a package of emergency executive actions designed to address the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic… The unprecedented move will provide relief to the more than 42 million Americans who owe more than $1.5…

An AI Surveillance Company is Watching Utah

An anonymous reader quotes Motherboard:
The state of Utah has given an artificial intelligence company real-time access to state traffic cameras, CCTV and “public safety” cameras, 911 emergency systems, location data for state-owned vehicles, and other sensitive data. The company, called Banjo, says that it’s combining this data with information collected from social media, satellites, and other apps, and claims its algorithms…

SXSW Canceled Due To Coronavirus After Austin Declares ‘Local Disaster’

South by Southwest, the annual tech, film and music conference held in Austin, Texas, has been canceled due to concerns surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. From a report: Local government officials announced the update at a press conference Friday afternoon discussing the status of the outbreak and events in the city. Austin’s Mayor Steve Adler said he had declared a local…

Turkey Deploys a ‘Swarm’ of Unmanned Combat Aircraft

Turkey deployed dozens of unmanned “drone” combat aircraft over Syria, calling the maneuver a new military milestone, reports Bloomberg: Turkey deployed swarms of killer drones to strike Russian-backed Syrian government forces, in what a senior official said was a military innovation that demonstrated Ankara’s technological prowess on the battlefield. The retaliation for the killing last week of 33 Turkish soldiers by…

Astronomers detect biggest explosion in history of universe

Scientists studying a distant galaxy cluster have discovered the biggest explosion seen in the universe since the Big Bang. Source:…

Australia bush fires burned a globally unprecedented area of forest

Australia’s recent extreme wildfires burned 5.8 million hectares of forest, destroying about one fifth of the forest biome in eastern Australia over four months Source:…