Is that a UFO?! There’s probably an explanation

Most Unidentified Flying Objects aren’t actually unidentified. Here’s a list of phenomena, either natural or human-made, that people often mistake for UFOs. Source:…

Pentagon’s UFO Unit Will Make Some Findings Public

According to The New York Times, a secretive task force called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force is expected to release new and alarming findings that may involve vehicles made of materials not of this plant. From the report: Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway — renamed and tucked…

Why The Navy’s UFO Videos Aren’t Showing Aliens

Syfy Wire’s “Bad Astronomy” column is written by astronomer Phil Plait, head science writer of Bill Nye Saves the World. This week he looked at the recently-declassified videos taken by the U.S. Navy’s fighter jets showing unidentified flying objects “moving in weird and unexpected ways.” (“The ‘aura’ around the object in some of the footage could simply be the camera overexposing…

Are UFOs piloted by humans from the future ?

Is it possible that unidentified flying objects are piloted, not by aliens, but by our own future descendants ? Ever since the term ‘UFO’ was coined, … Source:…

Navy Confirms Existence of UFOs Seen In Leaked Footage

A Navy official has confirmed that recently released videos of unidentified flying objects are real, but that the footage was not authorized to be released to the public in the first place. From a report: Joseph Gradisher, the spokesman for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, confirmed to TIME that three widely-shared videos captured “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” Gradisher…

US Navy confirms that UFO footage is genuine

Video footage showing US Navy pilots pursuing exotic unidentified flying objects has been confirmed as real. Back in 2017 and 2018, three videos were … Source:…

‘U.S. Navy Says UFOs Are Real, UFO Hunters Are Thrilled’

dryriver writes: Vice/Motherboard writes that since the U.S. Navy admitted that its pilots encounter unidentified flying objects all the time, and mainstream news outlets like the New York Times have devoted coverage to Navy Pilots’ UFO encounter stories, old UFO hunters around the world feel vindicated, and many new younger people are taking an interest in the phenomenon. For decades people…

The US Navy Wants Pilots to Report UFO Sightings

The Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and personnel to report unexplained encounters. Source:…

Roswell and the Congressman: A Strange Saga

In the spring of 1993, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff began to make inquiries with the Defense Department in an attempt to determine the truth surrounding certain aspects of the Roswell controversy of July 1947. In an 11 March 1993 letter to the then Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, Schiff wrote the following: “Last fall… Read more » Source:…