‘Space hurricane’ observed over the North Pole

Scientists have, for the first time, detected a hurricane taking place in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Hurricanes that form in our planet’s lower atm… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/344326/space-hurricane-observed-over-the-north-pole…

Photographs of alleged live thylacines released

Trail camera images of an alleged ‘thylacine family’ have been revealed, but not everyone is convinced. Back in February, Neil Waters – President of t… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/344271/photographs-of-alleged-live-thylacines-released…

AI learns how to play old platform games

New computer algorithms designed to beat old 80s platformers could help robots navigate your home. Intelligent computer algorithms capable of playing … Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/344270/ai-learns-how-to-play-old-platform-games…

Cosmic ray originated in cataclysmic event

Astronomers found a high energy neutrino – a cosmic ray – that apparently originated during a “tidal disruption event,” that is, when a supermassive black hole shredded a distant star. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/origin-cosmic-ray-when-black-hole-shreds-star…