Genetic studies have missed important gene variants in African people

A study looking at gene variants in Uganda found dozens that have never been recorded, including genes associated with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases Source:…

More than half of all Ebola outbreaks are going undetected

As the second-largest Ebola epidemic in history spreads into Uganda, a modelling study has suggested that most Ebola outbreaks escape detection by doctors Source:…

Is The Global Internet Disintegrating?

‘The global internet is disintegrating,” argues BBC Future, calling Russia “one of a growing number of countries that has had enough of the Western-built, Western-controlled internet backbone…aided as much by advances in technology as by growing global misgivings about whether the open internet was ever such a good idea to start with.” “The new methods raise the possibility not only of…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day


Global Health: In African Villages, These Phones Become Ultrasound Scanners

A hand-held device brings medical imaging to remote communities, often for the first time. Source:…