Prince Philip ‘collects books on UFOs and ET’

Recent reports suggest that the Queen’s husband has a keen interest in reading about the UFO phenomenon. The Duke, whose life story has been dramatize… Source:…

Pentagon officially confirms UFO task force

The US government has confirmed that it has set up a body dedicated to investigating the UFO phenomenon. Yesterday we reported that there had been rum… Source:…

North Carolina Man Accidentally Films UFO on Facebook Live Video

After they’ve exhausted all other available means—abduction, engaging military aircraft, shutting off our nuclear missiles—maybe the aliens finally figured out how to get our attention: Facebook live. Everyone and their uncle seems bent on broadcasting themselves into the uncaring void that is the internet, so it’s about time the aliens jumped on board as well…. Read more » Source:…

Ghost Rockets Over the Bahamas: An Unusual Atlantic UFO Incident

Some of the most interesting UFO reports from over the years are those which occurred at sea. Entire books have been written about this subject, most notably, Ivan Sanderson’s Invisible Residents (1970), which may have been the first major offering to look deeply at a maritime component to the broader UFO enigma. In the book,… Read more » Source:…

A Famous UFO Case? Or, a Military Test Gone Wrong?

On October 5, 2015, here at Mysterious Universe, Micah Hanks wrote an article titled “The Cash-Landrum Incident: Was a Nuclear Aircraft Involved?” Micah’s article began as follows: “Of all the best-known and often reviewed UFO cases of the last few decades, many would contend that one of the most puzzling had been the Cash-Landrum incident,… Read more » Source:…

U.S. Presidential Candidate Addresses Questions About Extraterrestrial Invasion

If you’re worried about invasions from outer space (or from inside the Earth or from another dimension), you may want to listen to what U.S. presidential candidate Seth Moulton (another one?) has to say about how he would handle the situation if he was sitting in the Oval Office. Will this become one of the… Read more » Source:…

UFO Dossiers, Alien Abductions and Missing Time

Just five months after Betty and Barney Hill’s late night encounter in September 1961, a similar incident occurred in the U.K. In this case, the witness was a man named Ronald Wildman. It was in the early hours of February 9, 1962 that Wildman had an extraordinary experience, one which led him to fully believe… Read more » Source:…