Radioactive elements may be crucial to the habitability of rocky planets

The amount of long-lived radioactive elements incorporated into a rocky planet as it forms may be a crucial factor in determining its future habitability, according to a new study by an interdisciplinary team of scientists at UC Santa Cruz. Source:…

New method predicts spin dynamics of materials for quantum computing

Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have developed a theoretical foundation and new computational tools for predicting a material’s spin dynamics, a key property for building solid-state quantum computing platforms and other applications of spintronics. …

Has mystery of universe’s missing matter been solved?

Cosmologists have only been able to find half the matter that should exist in the universe. With the discovery of a new astronomical phenomenon and new telescopes, these researchers say they’ve just found the rest. Source:…

Powerful new AI technique detects and classifies galaxies in astronomy image data

Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have developed a powerful new computer program called Morpheus that can analyze astronomical image data pixel by pixel to identify and classify all of the galaxies and stars in large data sets from astronomy surveys. Source:…

Is ‘Oumuamua a fragment of a shattered super-Earth?

Computer simulations confirm that ‘Oumuamua – an object from another star system that sped near our sun in 2017 – likely formed via a close encounter with its star. ‘Oumuamua may have originated in a debris disk, they said, or even a shattered super-Earth. Source:…

Astronomers use slime mold model to reveal dark threads of the cosmic web

A computational approach inspired by the growth patterns of a bright yellow slime mold has enabled a team of astronomers and computer scientists at UC Santa Cruz to trace the filaments of the cosmic web that connects galaxies throughout the universe. Source:…