Today in science: Tunguska explosion

We celebrate Asteroid Day on June 30 because it’s the anniversary of a 1908 explosion over Siberia that killed reindeer and flattened trees. Here’s the latest on what we know. Source:…

‘U.S. Navy Says UFOs Are Real, UFO Hunters Are Thrilled’

dryriver writes: Vice/Motherboard writes that since the U.S. Navy admitted that its pilots encounter unidentified flying objects all the time, and mainstream news outlets like the New York Times have devoted coverage to Navy Pilots’ UFO encounter stories, old UFO hunters around the world feel vindicated, and many new younger people are taking an interest in the phenomenon. For decades people…

American Explorer Completes Deepest Submarine Dive In History

schwit1 quotes the maritime industry news site gCaptain: A private equity investor from Dallas, Texas and his team of explorers have completed a series of record-breaking dives to Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench, commonly known as the deepest place on earth. The initial record-setting dive took took place on April 28 when American, Victor Vescovo, a retired U.S. Navy officer,…

5G Networks Will Likely Interfere With US Weather Satellites, Navy Warns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A U.S. Navy memo warns that 5G mobile networks are likely to interfere with weather satellites, and senators are urging the Federal Communications Commission to avoid issuing new spectrum licenses to wireless carriers until changes are made to prevent harms to weather forecasting. The FCC has already begun an auction of 24GHz…

Beware! Your Next Thrift Store Purchase May Come With Ghosts

A thrift store in North Carolina recently made headlines when they sold a 1950s haunted bedroom set for $1,000. Haunted items at thrift stores are actually more common than we think. And it makes sense, as we don’t know the history of the items that are brought there, who owned them, or what happened to… Read more » Source:…

Ghost Rockets Over the Bahamas: An Unusual Atlantic UFO Incident

Some of the most interesting UFO reports from over the years are those which occurred at sea. Entire books have been written about this subject, most notably, Ivan Sanderson’s Invisible Residents (1970), which may have been the first major offering to look deeply at a maritime component to the broader UFO enigma. In the book,… Read more » Source:…