Watch for Venus, Antares and the moon before sunup January 9, 10 and 11

Venus, Antares, and the moon before sunup. Source:…

Your photos of Venus, as it descends into the dawn

Have you seen bright Venus recently, in the east before dawn? It’s getting very near the sunrise glare. As January progresses, watch for Venus to sink deeper and deeper into the morning twilight. Your photos, as we say farewell to Venus, here. Source:…

Young moon, Jupiter, Saturn glorious December 15 to 18!

The 2 bright shining objects near the moon – December 15 to 18, 2020 – will be Jupiter and Saturn. These 2 giant planets are now nearing their great conjunction on December 21. Don’t miss this! Source:…

10 tips for watching the Geminids

We anticipate 2020 will be a great year for watching the Geminid meteor shower! Here are 10 tips. Source:…

Spectacular! Moon and Venus before sunrise

Over these next few days – December 11, 12 and 13, 2090 – watch for the waning crescent moon to pass by the dazzling planet Venus. Source:…

Moon passes Spica on December 10, as Venus blazes below

The waning moon passes bright Spica – Virgo’s sole 1st-magnitude star – before sunup on December 10, 2020. As viewed from across Earth that morning, the illuminated side of the moon points in the direction of brilliant Venus. Source:…

A magnified view of Jupiter and Saturn at conjunction

On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 1/5 of a moon-diameter apart! Guy Ottewell offers insights and charts showing a magnified (telescopic) view of their once-in-20-years great conjunction. Source:…

What is the moon’s terminator line?

The moon’s terminator is the dividing line between day and night on the moon. As we see it from Earth, it marks the line of lunar sunsets or sunrises. Earth and other worlds in our solar system have terminator lines, too. Source:…

Leonid meteor shower is building to a peak

The peak of the Leonids is likely to be before sunup on November 17, 2020. But people already catching some Leonids. Keep an eye out this weekend. Source:…

Moon, Venus, Mercury before daybreak

These next several days, watch as the waning crescent moon joins up with the planets Mercury and Venus, plus the star Spica, in the eastern predawn/dawn sky. Source:…