Star Trek: Discovery Goes Out With Sound and Fury, Signifying…Something

Star Trek: Discovery’s second season has come to an end, and it’s ended with one hell of a bang. Several bangs, even. Actually, its season finale was approximately 90 percent bangs. It was Star Trek unlike Star Trek as we’ve seen it before, for better or worse, but it all built up to something potentially far more…Read more…Source:…

American Gods Borrowed Some Magic From the Marvel Cinematic Universe This Week

Picture it: A group of ancient gods walk into a bar to put on a variety show, and two of the deities—the oldest and the youngest—have a falling out of epic proportions. A question similar to “what were you the god of, again?” is posed in an alley, and all hell breaks loose. This sort of stuff happens on American…

Everything You Need To Remember From Every Season of Game of Thrones in 10 Minutes

We’re just a few days away from the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones. Even though there are only six episodes, there are still a lot of stories left to tell. Without a refresher course, it’s easy to get lost in all the loose ends that will hopefully get tied up by the… Continue reading Everything You Need To Remember From Every Season of Game of Thrones in 10 Minutes

The Die Is Cast on an Emotionally Exhausting Star Trek: Discovery

After an entire season of build up, this is it. Star Trek: Discovery has come crashing into its endgame and the battle against Control is ready to begin. But before that, we have to go through what might be the ultimate realization of the show’s strengths and weaknesses: getting away with a lot of contrivance through…… Continue reading The Die Is Cast on an Emotionally Exhausting Star Trek: Discovery

American Gods Has a Lynching Problem

Though the scene wasn’t part of the original novel, the lynching that takes place in the very first episode of Starz’s American Gods was a statement from showrunners Bryan Fuller and Michael Green about the kind of story they wanted to tell—one where reflections on the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade become… Read more…… Continue reading American Gods Has a Lynching Problem