VP and Head Scientist of Alexa at Amazon: ‘The Turing Test is Obsolete. It’s Time To Build a New Barometer For AI’

Rohit Prasad, Vice President and Head Scientist of Alexa at Amazon, writes: While Turing’s original vision continues to be inspiring, interpreting his test as the ultimate mark of AI’s progress is limited by the era when it was introduced. For one, the Turing Test all but discounts AI’s machine-like attributes of fast computation and information lookup, features that are some of…

‘Hutter Prize’ for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge Increased to 500,000€

Baldrson (Slashdot reader #78,598) writes: First announced on Slashdot in 2006, AI professor Marcus Hutter has gone big with his challenge to the artificial intelligence [and data compression] community. A 500,000€ purse now backs The Hutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge… Hutter’s prize incrementally awards distillation of Wikipedia’s storehouse of human knowledge to its essence. That essence is a…

Waymo’s Completely Driverless Cars Are Now Picking Up Passengers

“Congrats! This car is all yours, with no one up front,” announces the cheery pop-up notification from Waymo’s app. “This ride will be different. With no one else in the car, Waymo will do all the driving. Enjoy this free ride on us!” TechCrunch got one of the first completely-driverless rides as a journalist, writes long-time Slashdot reader galgon. “It appears…