Trudeau Promises To Connect 98% of Canadians To High-Speed Internet By 2026

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says its government is now on track to connect 98% of Canadians to high-speed internet by 2026. reports: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and a handful of cabinet ministers held a news conference in Ottawa to launch the $1.75 billion universal broadband fund — a program unveiled in the federal government’s 2019 budget and highlighted on…

Is Canada About to Crack Down on Google and Facebook?

The Minister of Canadian heritage has a message for Google and Facebook, reports the Toronto Star: “The Canadian government stands with our Australian partners and denounces any form of threats,” Steven Guilbeault said in an emailed statement to the Star’s Susan Delacourt. The “threats” Guilbeault referred to involved some of the world’s richest and most influential corporations, Facebook and Google, which…

Huawei CFO Asks For Extradition Case To Be Stayed, Says US Misled Canada

hackingbear writes: Lawyers for Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies, have applied to a Canadian court seeking stays in the proceedings for her extradition to the United States, documents released on Thursday showed. The applications are based in part on what Meng’s lawyers allege was a destruction of the integrity of the judicial process by United States President…

You Can’t Fight City Hall. But Maybe You Can Fight Google.

Faced with an array of opponents for its sensor-laden city of tomorrow in Toronto, a Google sibling has drastically dialed back plans. The critics now want the tech giant to quit altogether. From a report: The announcement was big enough for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to fly down to Toronto and deliver. A corporate sibling of Google had been selected to…

Netflix’s Biggest Bingers Get Hit With Higher Internet Costs

An anonymous reader shares a report: James Wright had never worried about staying under his data cap. Then he bought a 4K TV set and started binge-watching Netflix in ultra-high definition. The picture quality was impressive, but it gobbled up so much bandwidth that his internet service provider, Comcast, warned that he had exceeded his monthly data limit and would need…

Canada Plans To Ban ‘Harmful’ Single-Use Plastics By 2021

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday that Canada will ban many single-use plastic items by 2021, including bags, straws, cutlery and stirring sticks, to cut harmful waste damaging the country’s ecosystems. CNN reports: Trudeau announced the measures Monday, describing “a problem we simply can’t ignore.” “Plastic waste ends up in our landfills and incinerators, litters our parks and beaches, and…