Comet makes a pit stop near Jupiter’s asteroids

After traveling several billion miles toward the Sun, a wayward young comet-like object orbiting among the giant planets has found a temporary parking place along the way. The object has settled near a family of captured ancient asteroids, called Trojans, that are orbiting the Sun alongside Jupiter. This is the first time a comet-like object has been spotted near the Trojan…

Malicious npm Packages Caught Installing Remote Access Trojans

The security team behind the “npm” repository for JavaScript libraries removed two npm packages this Monday for containing malicious code that installed a remote access trojan (RAT) on the computers of developers working on JavaScript projects. From a report: The name of the two packages was jdb.js and db-json.js., and both were created by the same author and described themselves as…

Mozilla Suspends Firefox Send Service While It Addresses Malware Abuse

An anonymous reader writes: Mozilla has temporarily suspended the Firefox Send file-sharing service as the organization investigates reports of abuse from malware operators and while it adds a “Report abuse” button. The browser maker took down the service today after ZDNet reached out to inquire about Firefox Send’s increasing prevalence in current malware operations. Since last year, several malware operations have…

One of Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids has a comet-like tail

Trojan asteroids orbit 60 degrees ahead of and behind Jupiter, in its wide orbit at 5 times Earth’s distance from the sun. Now the 1st Trojan asteroid has been found with a comet-like tail. Source:…

How Spies Snuck Malware Into the Google Play Store — Again and Again

Google’s Play Store for Android apps has never had a reputation for the strictest protections from malware. Shady adware and even banking trojans have managed over the years to repeatedly defy Google’s security checks. Now security researchers have found what appears to be a more rare form of Android abuse: state-sponsored spies who repeatedly slipped their targeted hacking tools into the…

Are these 19 eccentric asteroids from other star systems?

In the first discovery of its kind, researchers in France have found 19 asteroids in our solar system – between the planets Jupiter and Neptune – that they say are likely of interstellar origin. Source:…

After 8 Years of Remote-Access Trojans Attacks, Can We Still Say Linux is Secure?

Remember when BlackBerry reported Advanced Persistent Threat groups have been infiltrating critical Linux servers for at least eight years? What’s the lesson to be learned? LinuxSecurity Founder Dave Wreski argues “Although it may be easy to blame the rise in attacks targeting Linux in recent years on security vulnerabilities in the operating system as a whole, this is simply not the…

The Pirate Bay Blocked By MalwareBytes But Normal Service Will Be Resumed

The Pirate Bay returned to the clear web this week after a month-long hiatus. However, the structure of the infamous torrent index presented an access problem to users of the popular anti-malware software MalwareBytes, which persistently blocked an essential element of the platform due to the presence of “a few” cryptocurrency miners on a secondary domain. TorrentFreak reports: The problem lay…

Attack Campaign Hits Thousands of MS-SQL Servers For Two Years

“In December, security researchers noticed an uptick in brute-force attacks against publicly exposed Microsoft SQL servers,” reports CSOnline. “It turns out the attacks go as far back as May 2018 and infect on average a couple thousand database servers every day with remote access Trojans and cryptominers.” Slashdot reader itwbennett writes:
While the primary goal of the attack seems to be cryptocurrency…

Google Asks Three Mobile Security Firms To Help Scan Play Store Apps

Google announced today that it partnered with three private cyber-security firms — ESET, Lookout, and Zimperium — to start a new project called the App Defense Alliance. From a report: The purpose of this new project, Google said, was to unify malware and threat detection engines and improve the security scans that Android apps go through before being published on the…