Software Engineer Catches Intelligent Bot Posting on Reddit

“The posts were appearing at a rate of about one per minute, and the posts were lengthy, most around six paragraphs long…” writes software engineer Philip Winston. I read through some of the posts. The quality was incredibly good, no machine could have written these even a few years ago. However there were some flaws and tells that suggested they were…

Jaron Lanier Thinks Things May Have Gotten Better, or Facebook ‘Might Have Won Already’

Jaron Lanier helped design “Together” mode for Microsoft Teams, “where he has a post as an in-house seer of sorts,” according to a recent profile in GQ. (“Initially he’d conceived of Together mode as a way to help Stephen Colbert — in whose house band Lanier sometimes performs when he’s in New York — figure out how to host his show…

It’s a ‘Cold War Every Day’ Inside Apple’s IS&T Group

An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from a report via BuzzFeed News: A group inside Apple called Information Systems & Technology, or IS&T, builds much of the company’s internal technology tools — from servers and data infrastructure to retail and corporate sales software — and operates in a state of tumult. IS&T is made up largely of contractors hired by rival…

How Mindfulness Can Free Us from Our Social Media Tribes

By learning to notice our biases, we can avoid deepening the tribal divide.
The post How Mindfulness Can Free Us from Our Social Media Tribes appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…