Repotting Plants Without Killing Them

Repotting plants can seem like an intimidating or messy task, but with the right information, and a little practice, it is a rather fun activity for you and your plants. In this article: What Does Repotting Plants Mean? Why Is It Important to Repot Plants? What Are the Signs That Plants Need Repotting? When Is…Continue Reading
The post Repotting Plants Without Killing…

The First Pig-to-Human Organ Transplants Could Happen This Year

Every day in the United States, 17 people die waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. To address this crisis, one biotech company is turning to an unlikely source: pigs. Maryland-based United Therapeutics says it plans to begin transplanting organs from genetically modified pigs into people as soon as this year. From a report: “We’re right on that cusp. We’re looking to…

FDA approves genetically engineered pigs for food and transplants

Pigs that have been genetically engineered to be free of a molecule that triggers meat allergies have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Source:

11 Fall Vegetables You Should Start Planting Now

Thinking of planting some fall vegetables? Here is a list of some veggies that you can add in your homestead, for a delicious fall harvest. RELATED: How to Plant Cauliflower this Fall Fruits and Vegetables Perfect For the Fall Season 1. Beets Beets are one of the most ideal crops for a fall harvest. You…Continue Reading
The post 11 Fall Vegetables You…

Turning the spleen into a liver saves mice from fatal organ damage

The spleens of live mice can be transformed into liver-like organs as a treatment for severe liver damage that could one day replace transplants in humans Source:…

Slimming down fatty livers in the lab could boost donor organ supply

Donor livers are increasingly not being used for transplants because they have too much fat. Hooking them up to a machine for a crash treatment could solve that Source:…

Lab-Grown Heart Muscles Have Been Transplanted Into a Human For the First Time

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ScienceAlert: On Monday, researchers from Japan’s Osaka University announced the successful completion of a first-of-its-kind heart transplant. Rather than replacing their patient’s entire heart with a new organ, these researchers placed degradable sheets containing heart muscle cells onto the heart’s damaged areas — and if the procedure has the desired effect, it could eventually…

Human genes have been added to pigs to create skin for transplants

The race to create pigs organs for human transplants is hotting up. Three teams have each added human genes to pigs to try to create rejection-proof skin Source:…

Machine seems to repair human livers and keep them alive for a week

Donated human livers can be kept alive for seven days in a new machine. The device also seems to boost organ health and may enable more people to get transplants Source:…