Repotting Plants Without Killing Them

Repotting plants can seem like an intimidating or messy task, but with the right information, and a little practice, it is a rather fun activity for you and your plants. In this article: What Does Repotting Plants Mean? Why Is It Important to Repot Plants? What Are the Signs That Plants Need Repotting? When Is…Continue Reading
The post Repotting Plants Without Killing…

The First Pig-to-Human Organ Transplants Could Happen This Year

Every day in the United States, 17 people die waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. To address this crisis, one biotech company is turning to an unlikely source: pigs. Maryland-based United Therapeutics says it plans to begin transplanting organs from genetically modified pigs into people as soon as this year. From a report: “We’re right on that cusp. We’re looking to…

Damaged human lungs revived for transplant by connecting them to a pig

Donated human lungs that are too damaged to use for transplant can be returned to a usable state by connecting them to a pig’s blood supply for 24 hours Source:…

10 Tips On How To Keep Plants Alive During Summer Time

Do you always find your flowers, shrubs, and trees turning brown and lifeless every time a heatwave hits the state? Check out our simple yet effective tips on how to keep plants alive during summertime! RELATED: 50 Gardening Tips And Tricks To Become A Successful Homesteader 10 Effective Tips How to Keep Plants Alive Amidst…Continue Reading
The post 10 Tips On How…

Mouse embryos that are 4 per cent human are step towards spare organs

Mouse embryos injected with human stem cells grew for 17 days created chimeras with up to 4 per cent human cells, a step towards growing human organs for transplant Source:…