What gives meteorites their shape? New research uncovers a ‘Goldilocks’ answer

Meteoroids coming from outer space are randomly shaped, but many of these, which land on earth as meteorites, are found to be carved into cones. Scientists have now figured out how the physics of flight in the atmosphere leads to this transformation. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-07-meteorites-uncovers-goldilocks.html…

Trending Business Skills

From AI to the cloud, technology is changing the future of business. To help you explore how these technologies and more can transform the way you work, we’ve rounded up some of the newest business Specializations and courses from top universities and companies on Coursera. See how blockchain is impacting the world of business from […]
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Microsoft Defends Planned Partner Program Changes, But Many Aren’t Buying It

Last week, Microsoft quietly published information to its partner web site which made it clear that one of its program’s main benefits — internal use rights (IURs) — would be axed in July 2020. Since then, Microsoft’s been attempting to do damage control, including by holding a webcast that meant to shed more light on the reasoning behind the move. But…

Microsoft Seeks To Join the Official Linux-Distros Mailing List

Microsoft’s transformation into a fully paid-up member of the Linux love-train continued this week as the Windows giant sought to join the exclusive club that is the official linux-distros mailing list. From a report: The purpose of the linux-distros list is used by Linux distributions to privately report, coordinate, and discuss security issues yet to reach the general public; oss-security is…

It’s a Match: Essential Skills Mapped to Critical Business Functions

By Kyle Clark, Enterprise Content Strategist Coursera’s Essential Skills Map identifies the skills of tomorrow for key functions, future-proofing your workforce while helping your business keep pace with digital transformation. ———- Technology is rapidly transforming the nature of jobs and skills. Partnering with over 1,900 companies globally through Coursera for Business takes us deep into […]
The post It’s a Match: Essential…

Clean Electricity Overtaking Fossil Fuels In Britain

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, Britain is obtaining more power from zero-carbon sources than fossil fuels. The milestone has been passed for the first five months of 2019. National Grid says clean energy has nudged ahead with 48% of generation, against 47% for coal and gas. The rest is…

How Mercury and Venus can guide our hunt for alien life on exoplanets

Earth’s nearest neighbours have turned into uninhabitable hellholes. Understanding their transformation will teach us which rocky exoplanets might be fit for life Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24232350-900-how-mercury-and-venus-can-guide-our-hunt-for-alien-life-on-exoplanets/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

C3.ai Sets a Model for Talent Transformation with University of Illinois Degree Program

I’m delighted to share that C3.ai, the leading enterprise AI software provider, will be expanding its enterprise partnership with Coursera, offering not only courses in critical skills but also online degrees. As of today, C3.ai is offering employees full paid tuition for the Master of Computer Science in Data Science (MCS-DS) from the University of […]
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