Anti-Mask Protesters Proudly Filmed Their Confrontation With a Grocery Store’s Manager

Nine days ago America set a record: nearly 290,000 new Covid-19 cases within 24 hours. according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. Four days later, anti-mask protesters in Oregon filmed their confrontation with employees at a Trader Joe’s grocery store who wouldn’t let them enter the store unless they were wearing a mask. Their 8-minute video has since been viewed over…

US Consumers Might Get Their First Taste of Transgenic Salmon This Year

Wave723 shares a report from IEEE Spectrum: Only in the past five years has it become possible to raise thousands of healthy fish so far from the shoreline without contaminating millions of gallons of fresh water. A technology called recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) now allows indoor aquaculture farms to recycle up to 99 percent of the water they use. And the…

Medium Investigates The Secret Supply Chain Behind AmazonBasics

“I heard the ‘pop!’ from my living room as a brand-new pack of Amazon batteries spontaneously exploded on the kitchen counter, oozing a gritty black substance in fits and spurts,” reports the staff writer for Medium’s new tech site, OneZero. But that was just the beginning of a larger mystery, according to their article (shared by Slashdot reader peterthegreat321): The small,…