Apple Mail and Hidden Tracking Images

John Gruber, writing at DaringFireball: In my piece yesterday about email tracking images (“spy pixels” or “spy trackers”), I complained about the fact that Apple — a company that rightfully prides itself for its numerous features protecting user privacy — offers no built-in defenses for email tracking. A slew of readers wrote to argue that Apple Mail does offer such a…

Google Boots ‘The Great Suspender’ Off the Chrome Web Store For Being Malware

Google has blocked The Great Suspender extension from the Chrome store “because it contains malware.” The extension was very popular for users running Chrome with 8GB or less of RAM, as it would automatically suspend tabs you hadn’t used in a while, freeing up precious memory and CPU power. It would then allow you to return to the tab and reload…

How Astronauts on The ISS Got a Visit from Santa

Since 1955 the U.S./Canadian operation that monitors North American airspace with radars and satellite to maintain air sovereignty has also, at Christmas time, been tracking Santa. And this year their trackers received additional support from the U.S. Space Command, a joint-military command drawing its units from five military service branches (including the U.S. Space Force). That command “launched a new reindeer…

The Best Way To Win a Horse Race? Mathematicians May Have the Answer

sciencehabit summarizes a new article from Science magazine: Attention racehorse jockeys: Start fast, but save enough energy for a final kick. That’s the ideal strategy to win short-distance horse races, according to the first mathematical model to calculate how horses use up energy in races. The researchers say the approach could be used to identify customized pacing plans that, in theory,…

GPS and Water Don’t Mix. So Scientists Have Found a New Way To Navigate Under the Sea

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: [E]ven today’s most sophisticated GPS systems are still unable to map a huge chunk of the Earth: that which is located under oceans, seas, or rivers. The technology, in effect, doesn’t mix well with water, which breaks down the radio waves GPS relies on to function. MIT scientists have been looking at ways…

First ‘Murder Hornet’ Nest In US Is Found In Washington State

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Remember the “murder hornets”? You know, the terrifyingly large Asian giant hornets that are threatening to wipe out the North American bee population? Entomologists with the Washington State Department of Agriculture have now located a nest of them — the first to be found in the U.S., the agency says. The nest was…

Tracker: UK has ‘viable population’ of big cats

One of the UK’s top big cat trackers believes that there is a viable, breeding population of exotic cats in the wild. Sightings of large predatory cat… Source:…

The Best Chrome Extensions To Prevent Creepy Web Tracking

Wired has highlighted several browser extensions that “are a simple first step in improving your online privacy.” Other steps to take include adding a privacy-first browser and VPN to further mask your web activity. An anonymous reader shares the report: Privacy Badger is one of the best options for blocking online tracking in your current browser. For a start, it’s created…

Is There A Google-Free Future For Firefox?

Forbes reports:
Firefox is exploring subscriptions and other “value exchange” services to ease its financial dependence on rival Google, according to the browser’s lead developer. Firefox maker, Mozilla, is in the uneasy position of being financially dependent on its search deal with Google, which accounts for the majority of the organization’s revenue. Although Mozilla only last month renewed the search deal, ensuring…

Brave Complains Google’s Newly-Proposed ‘WebBundles’ Standard Would ‘Make URLs Meaningless’

“Google is proposing a new standard called WebBundles,” complains Brave’s senior privacy reseacher. “This standard allows websites to ‘bundle’ resources together, and will make it impossible for browsers to reason about sub-resources by URL.” This threatens to change the Web from a hyperlinked collection of resources (that can be audited, selectively fetched, or even replaced), to opaque all-or-nothing “blobs” (like PDFs…