China Attacks Apple For Allowing Hong Kong Crowdsourced Police Activity App

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Apple’s decision to greenlight an app called HKmaps, which is being used by pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong to crowdsource information about street closures and police presence, is attracting the ire of the Chinese government. An article in Chinese state mouthpiece, China Daily, attacks the iPhone maker for reversing an earlier decision not…

Lung Damage From Vaping Resembles Chemical Burns, Report Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The lung damage in some people who have become ill after vaping nicotine or marijuana products resembles a chemical burn, doctors from the Mayo Clinic reported on Wednesday. Their findings are based on samples of lung tissue from 17 patients around the country whose biopsy specimens were sent to Mayo…

Landsat 9 instrument ready for spacecraft assembly

The Landsat 9 instrument that will help scientists detect deforestation, monitor crops and track potentially toxic algal blooms, among many other uses, is now built, tested, and in place to be assembled onto the spacecraft. Source:…

NASA Wants To Send Nuclear Rockets To the Moon and Mars

NASA engineers want to create a rocket engine powered by nuclear fusion. “A nuclear rocket engine would be twice as efficient as the chemical engines powering rockets today,” reports Wired. “But despite their conceptual simplicity, small-scale fission reactors are challenging to build and risky to operate because they produce toxic waste. Space travel is dangerous enough without having to worry about…

GNU’s Former Kernel Maintainer Shares ‘A Reflection on the Departure of Richard Stallman’

Thomas Bushnell, BSG, founded GNU’s official kernel project, GNU Hurd, and maintained it from 1990 through 2003. This week on Medium he posted “a reflection on the departure of RMS.” There has been some bad reporting, and that’s a problem. While I have not waded through the entire email thread Selam G. has posted, my reaction was that RMS did not…

Senator: Mark Zuckerberg Should Face ‘the Possibility of a Prison Term’

In a recent interview with the Willamette Week, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) said that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg should face the possibility of a prison term for Facebook’s privacy violations. Zuckerberg has Mark “repeatedly lied to the American people about privacy,” said Wyden. “I think he ought to be held personally accountable, which is everything from financial fines to — and…

For Young Female Coders, Internship Interviews Can Be Toxic

An anonymous reader shares a report: Eyre (an anecdote in the story) is one of more than 1,000 young women college-aged or older, hailing from 300 schools around the country, who participated in a recent survey [PDF] about the challenges female engineers face while applying for technical internships. The study was conducted last fall by Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization…