Board Games Are Getting Really, Really Popular

An anonymous reader shares a report: Jonathan Kay, co-author of the new book Your Move: What Board Games Teach Us About Life, has largely given up on movies and TV, and has instead made tabletop gaming his primary mode of recreation. “It has a social function in my life, and an intellectual function,” Kay says in Episode 392 of the Geek’s…

Leading Companies Partner with Coursera for Business to Drive Digital Transformation

By Leah Belsky, Chief Enterprise Officer, Coursera It has been an unstoppable year for Coursera for Business. Technology and globalization are rapidly advancing and companies can no longer afford to let talent fend for itself in a changing economy. 79 percent of CEOs today see skill shortages as a growth threat, meaning skills transformation is […]
The post Leading Companies Partner with…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – November 2019

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant The end of the year brings with it some of our most exciting launches of 2019. Our latest batch of 50+ courses includes enterprise critical skills such as personal resilience, computational thinking, and coding for managers.  Additional topics this past month range from Python for asset management to […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Coursera to Accelerate Growth in Toronto Office

New roles in product, marketing, sales, and other functions will complement growth in our engineering team By Richard Wong, SVP of Engineering In the six short months since we announced a new engineering office in Toronto, the team has delivered an impressive number of product innovations, more than tripled in size, and outgrown our original […]
The post Coursera to Accelerate Growth…

‘Algorithms Are Like Convex Mirrors That Refract Human Biases’

Emil Protalinski, writing for VentureBeat: At the Movethedial Global Summit in Toronto yesterday, I listened intently to a talk titled “No polite fictions: What AI reveals about humanity.” Kathryn Hume, Borealis AI’s director of product, listed a bunch of AI and algorithmic failures — we’ve seen plenty of that. But it was how Hume described algorithms that really stood out to…

Uber Allegedly Paid $100K Ransom and Had Hackers Sign NDAs After Data Breach

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CBS News: New details about how Uber responded to a massive hack attack in 2016 raise questions about the way it handled sensitive customer information. Instead of reporting the hackers to police, the company allegedly paid $100,000 in exchange for a promise to delete 57 million user files the men stole off a third…

Google’s Sidewalk Labs Leaked Document Reveals Company’s Early Vision For Data Collection, Tax Powers, Criminal Justice

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Globe and Mail: A confidential Sidewalk Labs document from 2016 lays out the founding vision of the Google-affiliated development company, which included having the power to levy its own property taxes, track and predict people’s movements and control some public services. The document, which The Globe and Mail has seen, also describes how…

Why leaves change color in fall

The vivid yellows and oranges of autumn leaves are there throughout spring and summer, but hidden. Source:…

Coursera | Expert Network: Connecting Journalists with Experts from Top Universities

By Arunav Sinha, Head of Global Communications at Coursera September 24, 2019 – University educators are widely trusted as independent experts who inform conversations both in and out of the classroom. In a world that is increasingly polarized by extreme views and misinformation, academic experts bring a sense of balance and rigor that elevates the […]
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