Why the FBI requires advanced forensic accounting training

When you think about the FBI, you might imagine stereotypical “feds” from movies busting down doors and arresting dangerous mobsters. You might also imagine agents infiltrating terrorist organizations in daring undercover operations. One thing that might not come to mind: accountants! In truth, accountants with specialized expertise have played a central role in the FBI’s […]
The post Why the FBI requires…

Strategy: Why it’s a Cornerstone of the Modern MBA

With technology and global markets evolving at an unprecedented pace, today’s most successful business leaders are the ones who recognise new strategic opportunities — and seize them — before their competitors do. This is why Macquarie University is moving beyond focusing solely on traditional business metrics and financial analytics. Instead, Macquarie puts strategising at the […]
The post Strategy: Why it’s a…

Influencing: Why it’s a Cornerstone of the Modern MBA

For today’s leaders, business is personal. Whether you’re negotiating deals, mediating relationships with stakeholders, or managing an increasingly-flexible workforce, today’s business leaders need people skills as much as analytical abilities. These “soft skills” are precisely what’s most in demand for job applicants, according to LinkedIn. With a Specialisation in Influencing, the online Global MBA from […]
The post Influencing: Why it’s a…

Clouds that look like ocean waves

They’re called Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds, aka billow clouds or shear-gravity clouds, and they look like breaking ocean waves. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/kelvin-helmholzt-clouds…

Apple Announces New NFC Feature For iPhone: Special Tags That Trigger Apple Pay Purchases When Tapped

Apple’s VP of Apple Pay, Jennifer Bailey, announced new NFC tags that will let iPhone users make purchases simply by tapping their phones against the stickers, without the need to download a special app first. “The company is partnering with Bird scooters, Bonobos clothing store, and PayByPhone parking meters for the initial rollout,” reports 9to5Mac. From the report: Apple also announced…

2019 Conference Takeaways: A Partner Perspective

Several members of the Duke Learning Innovation team headed to London for the 2019 Coursera Partners Conference. The conference brings together educators and leaders representing over 180 global universities, organizations and companies. Here are some of our top takeaways from the conference. MOOCs might be dead, but Coursera keeps growing MOOCs are dead, you say? […]
The post 2019 Conference Takeaways: A…

Look for the legendary green flash

A sea horizon is best for seeing a green flash, but any distant, flat horizon will do. Look at the last moment before the sun sets. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/see-the-legendary-green-flash…

A Tectonic Plate May Have Peeled Apart – and That Could Shrink the Atlantic

pgmrdlm quotes National Geographic: For years, João Duarte has puzzled over a seemingly boring underwater expanse off the coast of Portugal. In 1969, this site spawned a massive earthquake that rattled the shore and sparked a tsunami. But you would never know why just from looking at the broad, featureless surface of the seabed. Duarte, a marine geologist from the Instituto…