Ask Slashdot: Why Did It Take So Long For Cars To Become Aerodynamically Shaped?

Here’s what dryriver wondered after hearing that the oldest Porsche T64 in the world — built in 1939 — was going to be auctioned:
What stands out about this nearly 80 year old car is how curved and aerodynamically shaped it is. If you then Google 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s car images, you find that they are nowhere near as aerodynamic in…

German Startup Unveils Electric ‘Flying Taxi’ Prototype

German startup Lilium has unveiled a new “flying taxi” that can vertically take off and be the basis for an on-demand air service within six years. The Guardian reports: The electric jet-powered five-seater aircraft is designed to travel up to 300km, a journey that would take it an hour at top speed. While a smaller version of its novel plane flew…

May 18 Blue Moon near Antares, Jupiter, Ceres

In North America, the May full moon carries the name Flower Moon. 2019’s May full moon on the 18th is a Blue Moon, the 3rd of 4 moons in a season. This Blue Moon will be near bright Antares and brighter Jupiter. It’ll be poised to occult dwarf planet Ceres. Source:…

Facebook Has Struggled To Hire Talent Since the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

An anonymous reader shared a report: Facebook is still reeling from the fallout of its Cambridge Analytica scandal more than a year ago, as multiple former recruiters say candidates are turning down job offers from what was once considered the best place to work in the United States. More than half a dozen recruiters who left Facebook in recent months told…

Insights from the Administrator Track of the 2019 Coursera Partners Conference

By Cathryn Richter, Principal Partnership Manager We wrapped the 2019 Coursera Partners Conference at the University of London last month, and program quality was a primary topic of discussion as more partners invest in for-credit programs on Coursera like degree programs and MasterTrack™ Certificates. The Administrator Track (AT) sessions convened top institutional decision-makers to discuss […]
The post Insights from the Administrator…

Nail It, Then Scale It: Doubling Down on Data to Achieve Platform Success

By Alexandra Urban Nail It At its core, every technology company should be leveraging data to improve its services and help users reach their goals. At Coursera, we’re doubling down on the importance of data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to propel our partners and platform towards the future of higher education. A crucial piece […]
The post Nail It, Then Scale…

How to Write a Great Personal Statement for the Global MPH

Imperial College London’s School of Public Health is renowned for conducting world-class research on today’s most pressing public health issues. No matter how compelling your research findings are, it is essential to communicate them clearly in order to promote positive change. The same principle applies to your personal statement for the Global Master of Public […]
The post How to Write a…

Firms That Promised High-Tech Ransomware Solutions Almost Always Just Pay the Hackers

As ransomware attacks crippled businesses and law enforcement agencies, two U.S. data recovery firms claimed to offer an ethical way out. Instead, they typically paid the ransom and charged victims extra. From a report: Proven Data promised to help ransomware victims by unlocking their data with the “latest technology,” according to company emails and former clients. Instead, it obtained decryption tools…

A Complete Digitization of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Codex Atlanticus, the Largest Existing Collection of His Drawings & Writings

No historical figure better fits the definition of “Renaissance man” than Leonardo da Vinci, but that term has become so overused as to become misleading. We use it to express mild surprise that one person could use both their left and right hemispheres equally well. But in Leonardo’s day, people did not think of having […]

A Complete Digitization of Leonardo Da…

Walmart Announces Next-Day Delivery, Firing Back At Amazon

Walmart will now offer shoppers the option to have their online orders delivered the next day, following Amazon’s recently announced plans to spend $800 million for one-day delivery for all Amazon Prime members. CNBC reports: Walmart said Tuesday it is rolling out next-day delivery in Phoenix, Las Vegas and Southern California over the next few days and will expand it to…