Toshiba Claims Its Device Tests For 13 Cancer Types With 99% Accuracy From a Single Drop of Blood

Toshiba has developed technology to detect 13 types of cancer from a single drop of blood with 99 percent accuracy, the company claimed this week. From a report: Toshiba developed the diagnosis method together with the National Cancer Center Research Institute and Tokyo Medical University, and hopes to commercialize it in “several years” after starting a trial next year. The method…

Ask Slashdot: When Robots Are Ultra-Lifelike Will It Be Murder To Switch One Off?

An anonymous reader writes: “HELLO, I’m Scout. Want to play?” My daughter has a toy dog that yaps and comes out with a few stock phrases. When it gets too annoying, I don’t hesitate to turn it off. I sometimes think about “losing” Scout, or even “accidentally” breaking it, acts that would be cruel to my daughter but not to the…

Google Maps Tests a Social Networking Feature

Google Maps will soon begin testing a new feature that’s more common to social networks like Facebook, rather than a maps app: the ability to find and follow other users. From a report: In Google Maps’ case, it’s specifically rolling out the ability to follow top “Local Guides” — its community members who actively review business and share to Google Maps…

Medium Investigates The Secret Supply Chain Behind AmazonBasics

“I heard the ‘pop!’ from my living room as a brand-new pack of Amazon batteries spontaneously exploded on the kitchen counter, oozing a gritty black substance in fits and spurts,” reports the staff writer for Medium’s new tech site, OneZero. But that was just the beginning of a larger mystery, according to their article (shared by Slashdot reader peterthegreat321): The small,…

Japanese Hotel Chain Sorry That Hackers May Have Watched Guests Through Bedside Robots

Japanese hotel chain HIS Group has apologized for ignoring warnings that its in-room robots were hackable to allow pervs to remotely view video footage from the devices. The Register reports: The Henn na Hotel is staffed by robots: guests can be checked in by humanoid or dinosaur reception bots before proceeding to their room. Facial recognition tech will let customers into…

Stalker Found Victim’s Home By Looking At Reflection In Her Pupil From High-Res Photo

JustAnotherOldGuy shares a report from Boing Boing, with the caption: “Enhance, zoom in… more… more… straight out of CSI.” From the report: Last month a Japanese entertainer named Ena Matsuoka was attacked in front of her home in Tokyo. Her alleged attacker, an obsessed fan, was able to figure out where she lived by zooming in on a high resolution photo…

Cosmic web fuels stars and supermassive black holes

Astronomers probed the cosmic web, a large-scale structure composed of massive filaments of galaxies separated by giant voids. They found the filaments also contained significant amounts of gas, believed to help fuel the galaxies’ growth. Source:…

Keeping cool with quantum wells

University of Tokyo researchers have announced a new approach for electrical cooling without the need for moving parts. By applying a bias voltage to quantum wells made of the semiconductor aluminum gallium arsenide, electrons can be made to shed some of their heat in a process called “evaporative cooling.” Devices based on this principle may be added to electronic circuit boards…

Pager Services To End Tuesday In Japan After 50 Years

Japan’s sole pager provider, Tokyo Telemessage Inc, will shut down radio signals for its services Tuesday, ending support for the device first introduced in the country half a century ago. Japan Today reports: In recent years, the device had been favored mainly by those working in hospitals, where cellphone use was once discouraged because of concerns over the effect of electromagnetic…

New insights on Venus’ cloud-tops and super-rotation

Why does Venus’ upper atmosphere circle the planet in just 4 Earth-days, while the planet itself takes 243 Earth-days to spin once? Japan’s Akatsuki spacecraft probed the mysterious “super-rotation” of Venus’ clouds. Source:…