Mystery big cat sparks fresh ‘Fen Tiger’ rumors

A Cambridge University worker has photographed a large wildcat with ‘big claws’ in his garden. The creature, which was spotted on Saturday, April 11th… Source:…

Can the FBI Be Trusted with the Surveillance of Americans?

Slashdot reader Matt.Battey writes: While everyone was at home, hunkered down watching Tiger King, and avoiding COVID-19, America’s Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released an update to his December, 2019 report. The findings weren’t reassuring… Over at Bloomberg, they go so far as to say “The FBI Can’t Be Trusted With the Surveillance of Americans.” From the national security blog…

Previously unseen thylacine footage unearthed

Researchers have discovered extremely rare black-and-white footage of the extinct Tasmanian tiger. One of the best known recent examples of a species … Source:…

Save the giants, save the planet

Protecting large animals such as elephants and whales, and large plants like the sequoias, has a disproportionate positive impact on the health of the planet and resilience to climate change. Source:…

Study says Enceladus’ inner complexity is good for life

The interior of Saturn’s moon Enceladus is geochemically complex, making its subsurface ocean quite habitable for possible life, according to a new study from Southwest Research Institute. Source:…

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25 in Asia (January 24 in the west), beginning the Year of the Rat. China’s public holiday will be January 24-30. In Beijing this week, Chinese health officials expressed concerns about a coronavirus now spreading during this heavy travel season in Asia. Source:…

Thunderbolt 4 Arrives In 2020, But USB Will Remain the King of PC Ports

Intel announced Thunderbolt 4 this week at CES, saying it will arrive in PCs later this year with Intel’s new Tiger Lake processor. But, as CNET reports, “the all-purpose port won’t be any faster at transferring data than the 4-year-old Thunderbolt 3.” From the report: The chipmaker promised it would be four times faster than today’s USB, then clarified it was…