Will Tesla Update Bring Remote Access To Car Cameras?

“Tesla’s Sentry Mode is about to bring things to a whole new level by enabling Tesla owners to remotely see what their cars can see through Autopilot cameras,” claims Electrek — citing a Twitter user named green “who has been revealing new Tesla features found in software updates.” “It’s not certain when the live camera update would arrive, provided it’s not…

Rare BadUSB Attack Detected in the Wild Against US Hospitality Provider

A US hospitality provider has recently been the target of an incredibly rare BadUSB attack, ZDNet has learned from cyber-security firm Trustwave. From a report: The attack happened after the company received an envelope containing a fake BestBuy gift card, along with a USB thumb drive.The receiving company was told to plug the USB thumb drive into a computer to access…

Parents Are Spending Thousands On YouTube Camps That Teach Kids How To Be Famous

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Daily Dot: Various YouTube summer camps have begun launching across the nation, designed to turn regular elementary and middle-school-aged children into bonfire internet sensations. Per a recent report from the Wall Street Journal, parents are spending nearly $1,000 dollars a week for their children to learn how to create branded social media-related content….