Why Pfizer Ignored Data Suggesting Their Drug Could Affect Alzheimer’s

In a controversial pharmaceutical story, this week the Washington Post reported “that Pfizer had evidence that [their drug] Enbrel could be useful in Alzheimer’s disease, and didn’t do anything with it,” according to a blog post from Science magazine: This came from an analysis of insurance claim data: a set of about 127,000 patients with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis and a set…

Eric S. Raymond Survives New Medical Problems

For decades Eric S. Raymond has been one of the open source movement’s staunchest supporters. He co-founded the Open Source Initiative, and was the author of the influential book The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary . Tuesday the 61-year-old super-geek posted a dramatic story to his blog:
Today I had to — literally…

Want to stop climate change? Jared Diamond says nations need therapy

In his new book Upheaval, polymath Jared Diamond says nations need a special kind of therapy to solve big problems like climate change, Brexit and nuclear proliferation Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24232332-900-want-to-stop-climate-change-jared-diamond-says-nations-need-therapy/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Damaged sense of smell fixed in mice by squirting stem cells up nose

Stem cell therapy delivered through nasal droplets can restore a sense of smell in mice – but it will take time to develop a safe nasal spray for humans Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2204963-damaged-sense-of-smell-fixed-in-mice-by-squirting-stem-cells-up-nose/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian Speaks Out Against ‘Always-On’ Work Culture

At The Wall Street Journal’s Future of Everything Festival on Tuesday, Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian spoke out against the toxicity of “hustle porn” and how always-on work culture creates “broken” people. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the report: I’ve spoken out quite a bit about things like ‘hustle porn,’ and this ceremony of showing off on social [media] about…