Best observing targets for binoculars

What are the best solar system and deep-sky objects to view to get the most out of your binoculars? From moon-encircled worlds to starry knots in the Milky Way, our list makes the sky’s wonders easy to find. Source:…

Do we all see the same moon phase?

No matter where you are on the globe, we all see the same moon. So why do photos from a distant location sometimes look different from what you’re seeing? Source:…

New sunspot cycle could be among strongest on record

A study of oppositely charged magnetic field bands, moving in the sun’s northern and southern hemispheres, suggests the coming sunspot cycle – Cycle 25 – will be a particularly strong one. This result contradicts an earlier expert forecast, suggesting a weak Cycle 25. Source:…

What is the moon’s terminator line?

The moon’s terminator is the dividing line between day and night on the moon. As we see it from Earth, it marks the line of lunar sunsets or sunrises. Earth and other worlds in our solar system have terminator lines, too. Source:…

Venus seen by BepiColombo

The sun’s second planet, Venus, as seen from the BepiColombo spacecraft as it passed on its way to the innermost planet, Mercury, earlier this month. Source:…

How to use EarthSky’s lunar calendar

It’s beautiful. It’s the best gift ever! And it’ll help you get in touch with nature. What more could you ask? Read the 6 tips below and enjoy your moon calendar! Source:…

Photos of fiery Mars, nearly at its best in 2 years

Photos from the EarthSky community of the bright planet Mars, now nearly at its best. Earth will pass between Mars and the sun – bringing the planet to a once-in-two-years opposition – on October 13, 2020. Source:…

The moon, Jupiter and Saturn September 23 to 26

On September 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2020, the moon can guide your eye to the solar system’s 2 biggest gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Source:…

Quarter moon or a half moon?

Half the moon always faces us. And half the moon is always lit by the sun. But, in the language of astronomers, there are no ‘half moons.’ Source:…

Young moon below Venus after sunset March 25-27

Depending on where you live worldwide, you might – or might not – catch the young moon after sunset March 25, 2020. Source:…