Pandemic Sends Videogame Museum Into Two-Year Shutdown

Oakland’s nonprofit “Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment” housed 40,000 historic pieces of videogame memorabilia — including 11,000 playable games. In 2017 they were the ones urging America’s copyright office to allow museums and libraries to circumvent DRM to preserve abandoned online games like FIFA World Cup, Nascar and The Sims. The museum’s sponsors include GitHub, Google, PlayStation, and Dolby Digital….

EA Comes Back To Steam With New Games

DarkRookie2 shares a report from Ars Technica: For the first time since 2012, Electronic Arts is once again publishing new games on Valve’s Steam platform, the publisher announced today. [You still need an Origin account.] A preorder page for next month’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is already up on the Steam store, and EA promises that “other major titles,” like…