Seattle’s Patient Zero Spread Coronavirus Despite Ebola-Style Lockdown

First known U.S. case offers lessons in how and how not to fight the outbreak. From a report: The man who would become Patient Zero for the new coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. appeared to do everything right. He arrived Jan. 19 at an urgent-care clinic in a suburb north of Seattle with a slightly elevated temperature and a cough he’d…

Meet the Man Being Sued By the FTC Over His Kickstarter Campaign for a High-Tech Backpack

The Verge takes a 5,000-word look at a Kickstarter campaign “that raised more than half a million dollars, only to never ship and leave behind thousands of angry backers.” “The difference in this story, however, is that for only the second time, the Federal Trade Commission is coming for the creator.”
The agency claims Doug Monahan took his backpack funds and spent…

Woz Remembers Steve Jobs’ Ambition to Change Humanity

The Bay Area Newsgroup reports on Steve Wozniak’s new interview with longtime Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki on Kawasaki’s Remarkable People podcast. Woz reveals he’s still on the Apple payroll — he never left it — and he’s still receiving about $50 a week “out of loyalty. Because what could I do that’s more important in my life?” Woz also remembered how…

A Man Diagnosed With Wuhan Coronavirus Near Seattle Is Being Treated Largely By a Robot

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: The first person diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus in the United States is being treated by a few medical workers and a robot. The robot, equipped with a stethoscope, is helping doctors take the man’s vitals and communicate with him through a large screen, said Dr. George Diaz, chief of the infectious disease…

What Happened After The Explosion at a Virology Campus in Siberia?

Lasrick writes: You may remember the explosion at VECTOR, once a center of Soviet biological warfare research. Filippa Lentzos, senior research fellow jointly appointed in the Departments of War Studies and of Global Health and Social Medicine at King’s College London, just posted an update on what happened after the explosion. Her research focuses on biological threats and on the security…

50 Years Ago, the Internet Was Born In Room 3420

harrymcc writes: On October 29, 1969, a graduate student in a UCLA computer science lab logged into a computer hundreds of miles away at the Stanford Research Institute. It was the first connection via ARPANET, which — after 20 years as a government and academic network — evolved into the modern internet. Over at Fast Company, Mark Sullivan marked the anniversary…

Japanese Hotel Chain Sorry That Hackers May Have Watched Guests Through Bedside Robots

Japanese hotel chain HIS Group has apologized for ignoring warnings that its in-room robots were hackable to allow pervs to remotely view video footage from the devices. The Register reports: The Henn na Hotel is staffed by robots: guests can be checked in by humanoid or dinosaur reception bots before proceeding to their room. Facial recognition tech will let customers into…

How To Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely

Want to know how to get rid of mice in your house humanely? Here’s 6 ways to do it without harming them! Trust me, I’ve used them all. How To Get Rid of Mice In Your House Humanely By Anna Ikona When I was a teenager, I worked at a diner restaurant and we had…Continue Reading
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What climate change in the Arctic means for the rest of us

Air temperatures in the Arctic are increasing at least twice as fast as the global average. What worries climate scientists about the Arctic summer of 2019? And why does it matter for the rest of the world? Source:…