Return to the moon? 3D printing with moondust could be the key to future lunar living

The entire Apollo 11 mission to the moon took just eight days. If we ever want to build permanent bases on the moon, or perhaps even Mars or beyond, then future astronauts will have to spend many more days, months and maybe even years in space without a constant lifeline to Earth. The question is how would they get hold of…

After 8chan Possibly Linked To Another Shooting, Cloudflare CEO Defends Hosting It

The Guardian learned that the suspected mass shooter at an El Paso, Texas Walmart “is believed to also have posted a white nationalist rant on 8chan” — then interviewed the CEO of the company hosting it. If the connection between the 21-year-old suspect in Saturday’s massacre and the 8chan document is confirmed — and law enforcement sources told NBC News that…

Ask Slashdot: Is the Pace of Tech Innovation Spontaneous Or Planned?

dryriver writes:
People who are only mildly tech- or engineering-literate tend to think that innovation is really difficult and expensive, takes years to achieve/discover, and that when something “amazing” is actually discovered, the innovative tech is integrated into products like smartphones or PCs “as soon as is technically possible”. More tech and engineering literate people I talk to frequently tell me the…

A Clue To the Reason for Women’s Pervasive Car-Safety Problem

Women are far more likely to suffer serious injuries in a car crash. From a report: The danger divide was first quantified in a 2011 study out of the University of Virginia, which found that for men and women who wore seatbelts, women were nearly 50 percent more likely to be seriously or fatally injured in a crash. And now it’s…

What will Earth’s next supercontinent look like?

Here are 4 different scenarios of what planet Earth might look like when the next supercontinent forms. Source:…