Research investigates extreme blazar 2WHSP J073326.7+515354

In a new study published April 23 on, Spanish astronomers have reported on an extreme blazar known as 2WHSP J073326.7+515354. Results of the research reveal the distance to this source and provide essential information about the stellar population of its host galaxy. Source:…

A mystery solved? Fast Radio Burst detected within Milky Way

Fast Radio Bursts are very mysterious bursts of radio waves – perhaps just a thousandth of a second long – coming from all over the sky. This new discovery of one in our own galaxy is a stunner! Source:…

Why The Navy’s UFO Videos Aren’t Showing Aliens

Syfy Wire’s “Bad Astronomy” column is written by astronomer Phil Plait, head science writer of Bill Nye Saves the World. This week he looked at the recently-declassified videos taken by the U.S. Navy’s fighter jets showing unidentified flying objects “moving in weird and unexpected ways.” (“The ‘aura’ around the object in some of the footage could simply be the camera overexposing…

NASA’s Webb Telescope to unravel riddles of a stellar nursery

A bustling stellar nursery in the picturesque Orion Nebula will be a subject of study for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to launch in 2021. A team led by Mark McCaughrean, the Webb Interdisciplinary Scientist for Star Formation, will survey an inner region of the nebula called the Trapezium Cluster. This cluster is home to a thousand or so young…

Pentagon Formally Releases 3 Navy Videos Showing ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’

The Pentagon on Monday formally released three unclassified videos taken by Navy pilots that have circulated for years showing interactions with “unidentified aerial phenomena.” CBS News reports: One of the videos shows an incident from 2004, and the other two were recorded in January 2015, according to Sue Gough, a Defense Department spokeswoman. The 2004 incident occurred about 100 miles out…

A unique (so far) gravitational wave signal

LIGO and Virgo detectors have now captured the first gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger where the black hole masses are unequal. Source:…

What are gravitational waves?

First postulated by Albert Einstein in 1916 but not observed directly until September 2015, gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime. Source:…