Tech Coalition Working To Create Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Passport

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Hill: A coalition of health and technology organizations are working to develop a digital COVID-19 vaccination passport to allow businesses, airlines and countries to check if people have received the vaccine. The Vaccination Credential Initiative, announced on Thursday, is formulating technology to confirm vaccinations in the likelihood that some governments will mandate people…

UK Politicians Call For ‘Making the Resale of Goods Purchased Using An Automated Bot an Illegal Activity’

Six Scottish National Party (SNP) politicians have put forward a motion for consideration in the UK parliament to prohibit the resale of games consoles and PC components at prices “greatly above” MSRP, and the resale of goods purchased using automated bots to be made illegal in these fair isles. PC Gamer reports: A motion on the “Resale of gaming consoles and…

Google Plans to Calculate ‘Criticality’ Scores for Open Source Projects

Programming columnist Mike Melanson writes:
As part of its involvement in the recently announced Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), Google has penned a blog post outlining one of the first steps it will take as part of this group, with an attempt at finding critical open source projects. “Open source software (OSS) has long suffered from a ‘tragedy of the commons’ problem,”…

At the edge of the blast

Read more: Hubble Space Telescope Sees Outer Edge of Cygnus Loop Bottom line: A detailed look at a small portion of the Cygnus Loop Nebula – a supernova remnant – followed by two images that show the nebula from more and more distant perspectives. Via Hubble Space Telescope Source:…

Open Source Sustainability is Really a People Problem

Matt Asay, a former COO of Canonical now working at AWS, argues that the question of open source sustainability “is really a people problem.” But to make the case, he cites comments by Tobie Langel, formerly W3C’s testing lead (and a former member of Facebook’s Open Source and Web Standards Team) who’s now founded an open-source strategies consulting firm whose clients…

Do We Need To Rethink What Free Software Is?

Matthew Garrett is a security developer at Google and a Linux contributor who in 2014 won the Free Software Foundation’s annual “Advancement of Free Software” award. But now he’s asking if we need to re-think what free software is:
If users can pay Amazon to provide a hosted version of a piece of software, there’s little incentive for them to pay the…

Drug-resistant “superbugs” are spreading — but your hospital doesn’t have to tell you

The Candida auris outbreak is a reminder that patients have no way of telling whether their hospital has infections. Humanity may finally be reckoning with the truly catastrophic threat of climate change. But there’s something else threatening human existence that doesn’t get nearly enough attention: superbugs. As doctors and farmers have indiscriminately doled out antimicrobial… Continue reading Drug-resistant “superbugs” are spreading — but your hospital doesn’t have to tell you

RSS Feeds, contrary opinions, and me.

Valerian’s Realm is my realm – my little corner of the web where I can collect the various topics that are hitting the digital newsstands. This site acts as my very own, very public RSS aggregator – where I can – in one single location – my very own home on the web – browse… Continue reading RSS Feeds, contrary opinions, and me.