The moon rock in Washington National Cathedral

A moon rock collected by Apollo astronauts during the first moon landing is enshrined in a stained-glass window – known as the Space Window – in the Washington National Cathedral. Source:…

Ritual bath unearthed at site where Judas betrayed Jesus

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an ancient ritual bath church at Gethsemane, a place near Jerusalem where the Bible says that Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested. Source:

Argos To Stop Printing Catalogue After Almost 50 Years

Argos is to stop printing its catalogue after almost 50 years, as the buying bible once found in three-quarters of British homes becomes yet another victim of the inexorable move to online shopping. From a report: More than 1bn copies of the bi-annual catalogue have been printed since its launch in 1973, and at its height it was Europe’s most widely…

Museum’s ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ are all forgeries

16 Dead Sea Scroll fragments on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington have been exposed as fakes. Considered to be some of the most signifi… Source:…

Come to know orange Arcturus in Boötes

Orange Arcturus is more evolved than our sun and has swollen up to a larger size. It’s less than 37 light-years away and appears as the brightest star north of the celestial equator. The Big Dipper can help you find it. Source:…

Facebook Is Forcing Its Moderators To Log Every Second of Their Days

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: When Valera Zaicev began working in Dublin as one of Facebook’s moderators a couple years ago, he knew he’d be looking at some of the most graphic and violent content on the internet. What he didn’t know was that Facebook would be counting the seconds of his bathroom breaks. Facebook, which outsources the…