Darth Vader Actor From Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy Dies at Age 85

Reuters reports: David Prowse, the English actor who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars films, has died aged 85, his management company said on Sunday… The champion weightlifter-turned-actor starred as the body, but not the voice, of one of cinema’s best-known villains. Director George Lucas opted to dub another voice onto Prowse’s portrayal of the towering, masked antagonist Darth…

Sean Connery Dies at Age 90. Remembered as ‘The Best of Many’ James Bonds

In 1962 Sean Connery became the first actor to appear in movies as secret agent James Bond, and according to long-time Slashdot reader schwit1 was “The best of the many Bonds, by far.” An anonymous reader writes:
Connery influenced the character deeply. The Huffington Post once wrote that James Bond wasn’t Scottish until Sean Connery played the role. Ian Fleming was still…

Monty Python’s 50th Anniversary Celebrated With ‘Extremely Silly’ Event

The Monty Python character known as the Gumby would often be found saying “My brain hurts”. Now Reuters reports: In what is billed as an “extremely silly” event, hordes of Monty Python fans will gather in full Gumby attire in London on Saturday to celebrate the British comedy troupe’s 50th anniversary. Kitted out in rubber boots, sleeveless sweaters, rolled-up trousers and…