Sean Connery Dies at Age 90. Remembered as ‘The Best of Many’ James Bonds

In 1962 Sean Connery became the first actor to appear in movies as secret agent James Bond, and according to long-time Slashdot reader schwit1 was “The best of the many Bonds, by far.” An anonymous reader writes:
Connery influenced the character deeply. The Huffington Post once wrote that James Bond wasn’t Scottish until Sean Connery played the role. Ian Fleming was still writing his series of James Bond novels, and “After seeing Connery in Dr. No and thinking the actor did a superb job, Fleming wrote Connery’s heritage into the character. In the book You Only Live Twice, Fleming wrote that James Bond’s father was Scottish and was from the town of Glencoe. Coincidentally, Connery would film Highlander in Glencoe decades later.” Sir Sean Connery — he was also knighted in the year 2000 — performed many other iconic roles throught his long career, even playing the father of Harrison Ford’s character in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Leaving Bond behind, Connery appeared in many historical dramas, including the World War II movies The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far, as well as The Man Who Would Be King, The Name of the Rose, and (in 2003) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. But throughout his life he was always in demand for high-quality action films, from The Hunt for Red October to The Rock, even co-starring with Catherine Zeta-Jones in the romantic caper film Entrapment at the age of 69. And in Terry Gilliam’s movie Time Bandits, Connery appears as more than one character, hinting that beneath the individual roles lay some timeless embodiment of strength and goodness itself.

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