Mysterious Hackers Donating Stolen Money

A hacking group is donating stolen money to charity in what is seen as a mysterious first for cyber-crime that’s puzzling experts. smooth wombat writes: Darkside hackers claim to have extorted millions of dollars from companies, but say they now want to “make the world a better place.” In a post on the dark web, the gang posted receipts for $10,000…

Google Photos Revives Its Prints Subscription Service

Google Photos is reviving its photo printing subscription service and introducing same-day prints. The company earlier this year had briefly tested a new program that used A.I. to suggest the month’s 10 best photos, which were then shipped to your home automatically. But Google ended the test on June 30. From a report: During the trial, Google had offered users a…

Billionaire CEO of Software Company Indicted For Alleged $2 Billion Tax Evasion Schemes

The billionaire chief executive of Ohio-based Reynolds and Reynolds Co, Robert Brockman, has been indicted on charges of tax evasion and wire fraud conducted over “decades.” ZDNet reports: The scheme, in which roughly $2 billion was hidden away in offshore accounts and through money laundering, took place between 1999 and 2019, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) said on Thursday. According…

Amazon To Escape UK Digital Services Tax That Will Hit Smaller Traders

Amazon will not have to pay the UK’s new digital services tax on products it sells directly to consumers but small traders who sell products on its site will face increased charges. From a report: The tax, which aims to get tech companies such as Amazon, Google and Facebook to pay more tax in the UK, is forecast to eventually bring…

Elon Musk Cuts Price of Tesla Model S To $69,420

In a tweet, Elon Musk announced that Tesla will further cut the price of its Model S “Long Range” sedan to $69,420. “This pricing wasn’t done on a whim and a joint,” adds TechCrunch. “The price cut is likely in response to Lucid undercutting Tesla on pricing a few hours ago.” From the report: Elon Musk declares that “The gauntlet has…

SEC Sues John McAfee Over Promoting Cryptocurrency On Twitter

Aighearach shares a report from Reuters: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Monday sued John McAfee, creator of the eponymous anti-virus software, alleging that he made over $23.1 million in undisclosed compensation from recommending seven cryptocurrency offerings on Twitter that were materially false and misleading. The regulator, which is seeking a trial by jury, alleged that from at least…

Irish Court Says Subway Bread Is Too Sugary to Be Called ‘Bread’

According to the Subway Ireland website, the chain’s six-inch and footlong subs are available on six different kinds of bread, including nine-grain multi-seed, Italian white bread, Italian herbs and cheese, nine-grain wheat, hearty Italian, and honey oat. And, according to the country’s Supreme Court, all six varieties are too sugary to legally be called “bread” at all. From a report: The…

Denmark: We Can Slash CO2 By 70% In a Decade And Still Have Welfare

Denmark said on Tuesday that it could reach its 2030 climate target of reducing emissions by 70%, one of the world’s most ambitious, without compromising its generous welfare benefits. Reuters reports: Last year, parties across the aisle passed a law committing Denmark to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels, or around 20 million tons of CO2 equivalent, within…

America’s IRS Wants Cryptocurrency Exchanges Declared on Tax Forms

America’s dreaded tax-collecting agency is sending “a strong warning to millions of crypto holders who aren’t complying with the law that they must file required forms,” reports the Wall Street Journal. The front page of this year’s tax forms — just below “Name” and “Address” — will ask filers to declare whether they’ve received or exchanged any virtual currencies. The Journal…

Universal Basic Income Gains Support In South Korea After COVID-19

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Nikkei Asian Review: The debate on universal basic income has gained momentum in South Korea, as the coronavirus outbreak and the country’s growing income divide force a rethink on social safety nets. The concept was thrust into the spotlight in the country when Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung proposed a basic income of 500,000…