US Congress Passes an IoT Security Bill ‘That Doesn’t Totally Suck’

Shotgun (Slashdot reader #30,919) shared these thoughts from The Register: Every now and again the U.S. Congress manages to do its job and yesterday was one of those days: the Senate passed a new IoT cybersecurity piece of legislation that the House also approved, and it will now move to the President’s desk. As we noted back in March when the…

Google’s Play Store Identified as Main Distribution Vector For Most Android Malware

The official Google Play Store has been identified as the primary source of malware installs on Android devices in a recent academic study — considered the largest one of its kind carried out to date. From a report: Using telemetry data provided by NortonLifeLock (formerly Symantec), researchers analyzed the origin of app installations on more than 12 million Android devices for…

‘Google App Engine’ Abused to Create Unlimited Phishing Pages

Google’s cloud-based service platform for developing and hosting web apps “can be abused to deliver phishing and malware while remaining undetected by leading enterprise security products,” reports Bleeping Computer, citing a startling discovery by security researcher Marcel Afrahim: A Google App Engine subdomain does not only represent an app, it represents an app’s version, the service name, project ID, and region…

Newly Obtained Documents Show Huawei Role In Shipping Prohibited US Gear To Iran

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: China’s Huawei, which for years has denied violating American trade sanctions on Iran, produced internal company records in 2010 that show it was directly involved in sending prohibited U.S. computer equipment to Iran’s largest mobile-phone operator. Two Huawei packing lists, dated December 2010, included computer equipment made by Hewlett-Packard Co and destined for…

New ‘Unremovable’ XHelper Malware Has Infected 45,000 Android Devices

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Over the past six months, a new Android malware strain has made a name for itself after popping up on the radar of several antivirus companies, and annoying users thanks to a self-reinstall mechanism that has made it near impossible to remove. Named xHelper, this malware was first spotted back in March but…

Symantec Antivirus Crashed Chrome 78

SmartAboutThings tipped us off to an interesting bug reported by ZDNet Thursday: For the fourth time in three months, a Symantec security product is crashing user apps, and this time it’s the latest Chrome release, v78, which rolled out earlier this week, on Tuesday, October 22. According to reports on Reddit [1, 2] the Google support forums [1, 2], and in…

WAV Audio Files Are Now Being Used To Hide Malicious Code

JustAnotherOldGuy quotes ZDNet: Two reports published in the last few months show that malware operators are experimenting with using WAV audio files to hide malicious code. The first of these new malware campaigns abusing WAV files was reported back in June by Symantec security researchers who said they spotted a Russian cyber-espionage group known as Waterbug (or Turla) using WAV files…