Machine Learning Identifies Weapons in the Christchurch Attack Video. We Know, We Tried It

It took 29 minutes for a Facebook user to first report the livestream of the Christchurch terrorist. Now a machine learning system spots weapons in the stream with an over 90 percent confidence rating. Source:…

Solarizing my garden for the summer

I’m getting an early start solarizing my garden this year. Unfortunately, my raised bed garden was sorely neglected this past year as I spent the majority of the year recovering from extensive spinal surgery. I’m still nowhere near ready to resume my gardening tasks so it seemed wise to take advantage of my down time… Continue reading Solarizing my garden for the summer

Jumbo exoplanet discovered in double system with a dead star

The giant exoplanet – 13 times more massive than Jupiter – is the first yet found that orbits a binary star system in which 1 of the 2 stars is dead. Source:…

Another Meteorite from Mars Shows Signs of Organic Life

How much evidence do you need before you accept the idea that Mars was once teeming with microbial life forms? Would two meteorites sent direct from the surface of the Red Planet that are filled with fossils convince you? Then get ready to yell “I believe!” Scientists given permission to take a thin slice out… Continue reading Another Meteorite from Mars Shows Signs of Organic Life

Microsoft Is Jumping Onto the Wireless Earbud Bandwagon, Says Report

According to a report by Brad Sams at Thurrott, Microsoft is going to expand its range of audio hardware with the introduction of a set of wireless earbuds. They will accompany the Surface Headphones, a premium-priced pair of wireless headphones that Microsoft released last year. Ars Technica reports: Microsoft has shipped earbuds before: the Zune media player came with earbuds…

Melting Glaciers Could Unleash Nuclear Fallout Trapped Within the Ice

An international research project found that high concentrations of radioactive material in glaciers around the world could be exposed due to climate change. Source:…

Stunning buildings made from raw, imperfect materials | Débora Mesa Molina

What would it take to reimagine the limits of architecture? Débora Mesa Molina offers some answers in this breathtaking, visual tour of her work, showing how structures can be made with overlooked materials and unconventional methods — or even extracted from the guts of the earth. “The world around us is an infinite source of inspiration if we are curious…