Watchmen Creator Alan Moore: Modern Superhero Culture is Embarrassing

Is it embarrassing for adults to like superheroes? According to Alan Moore — creator of the Watchmen series and widely considered one of the greatest comic book writers — it is. From a report: He says superheroes are perfectly fine for 12 or 13-year-olds but adults should think again. “I think the impact of superheroes on popular culture is both tremendously…

The Cast of Avengers: Endgame Rendered in Traditional Japanese Ukiyo-e Style

Wherever in the world you live, you’ve heard of Avengers: Endgame, and may well have seen it already — or, depending on your enthusiasm for superheroes, may well have seen it more than a few times. It comes, as fans need not be reminded, as the culmination of a 22-film series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe […]

The Cast of <i>Avengers: Endgame</i> Rendered…

Celebrating National Superhero Day with Tux, BSD, and more

On National Superhero Day, how would some of our favorite open source tools and mascots look if they were superheroes? Granted, open source tools are already kind of like superpowers in their own right. My take on this challenge is Open Force: Heroes of the Code! (with accompanying illustrations, of course). Download the original Krita art files and desktop wallpaper images for 4k, HD, and…

Sometimes the Best Superhero Crossovers Are the Simplest (and Silliest)

Next week, Avengers: Endgame finally hits theaters. Meticulous plans, endless teases, hushed whispers, and millions of dollars worth of moviemaking heft across a decade have gone into this grand coming together of Marvel’s mightiest. But sometimes a purer joy can found in having a superheroic mashup…just because?Read more…Source:…