Is ‘The Far Side’ Comic Strip Coming Back?

An anonymous reader quotes the Guardian:
Fans of the surreal, the bizarre and sardonic anthropomorphic cows are in a fervour after The Far Side cartoonist Gary Larson’s website was updated last weekend with promises of “a new online era”, 24 years after the reclusive creator retired at the age of 44. Larson’s iconic Far Side cartoons were syndicated in more than 1,900…

Apple Advises Owners of Its New Credit Card To Keep It Away From Leather, Denim

AmiMoJo shares a report from the BBC: Apple has advised owners of its new credit card to keep it away from leather and denim. Keeping the card in a leather wallet or in the pocket of a pair of jeans could cause “permanent discolouration.” The Apple Card is a relatively plain matte white credit card made of titanium, which was designed…

Researchers Develop Speedy Soft Robot That’s More Robust Than a Cockroach

Researchers from Tsinghua University in China and University of California, Berkeley, have developed a new kind of soft robot that looks like a bent strip of paper, but is able to move at 20 body lengths per second and survive being stomped on. The robot has been presented in the current issue of Science Robotics. IEEE Spectrum reports: This prototype robot…

Women played crucial roles in the space program, yet we don’t know much about them. Why?

Edith Gustan’s name appears in the fourth paragraph of a Seattle Times article from 1970, a skinny strip of text above a nearly full-page ad for Sears’ Mother’s Day sale that advertises, among other things, “incontestably female … cardigans!” Source:…

GitHub Removed Open Source Versions of ‘Deepfakes’ Porn App DeepNude

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: GitHub recently removed code from its website that used neural networks to algorithmically strip clothing from images of women. The multiple code repositories were spun off from an app called DeepNude, a highly invasive piece of software that was specifically designed to create realistic nude images of women without their consent. The news…

Cool! Teegarden’s Star has Earth-sized planets in its habitable zone

The habitable zone is where liquid water can exist. Teegarden’s Star’s star is only 12.5 light-years from Earth. Astronomers have discovered 2 new Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting in this nearby habitable zone. Source:…

How to Get XKCD Author Randall Munroe To Visit Your City

Since 2005 Randall Munroe has been the author/illustrator of the popular nerdy comic strip XKCD — and he’s now planning to publish “the world’s least useful self-help book.” How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems offers readers a third choice beyond simply doing things either the right way or the wrong way: “a way so monumentally bad that no…

Type A Blood Converted To Universal Donor Blood With Help From Bacterial Enzyme

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Science Magazine: For a transfusion to be successful, the patient and donor blood types must be compatible. Now, researchers analyzing bacteria in the human gut have discovered that microbes there produce two enzymes that can convert the common type A into a more universally accepted type. If the process pans out, blood specialists suggest…