Today in science: Happy birthday Albert J. Myer

As you check your local weather forecast today, give a nod to Albert J. Myer, born on this date in 1828, who helped to establish the US National Weather Service. Source:…

Extreme Weather Events This Decade Have Cost America $750B

An anonymous reader quotes NBC News: An analysis of weather disasters that did more than $1 billion in damage from the National Centers for Environmental Information finds that such high-cost events are up markedly since the 1980s. (The dollar figures for the events were adjusted for inflation.) There have been 250 such events since 1980 and almost half them, 111, have…

ALMA images show what’s happening beneath Jupiter’s storms

New radio images made with the ALMA telescope provide a look at what’s going on beneath Jupiter’s colorful storms and swirling clouds. Source:…

Hurricane Dorian: Why it’s so destructive

Dorian, the 2nd most powerful Atlantic hurricane on record, has devastated the Bahamas, with the death toll expected to rapidly rise as rescue work gets under way. Source:…

The Planet Needs a New Internet

An anonymous reader shares a report: When climate change comes for our coffee and our wine, we’ll moan about it on Twitter, read about it on our favorite websites, and watch diverting videos on YouTube to fill the icy hole in our hearts. We’ll do all this until the websites go dark and the networks go down because eventually, climate change…

Three Years Later, France’s Solar Road is a Flop

DigressivePoser and schwit1 both submitted the same story. That 1-km ( .62-mile) “solar road” paved with photovoltaic panels in France is “too noisy, falling apart, and doesn’t even collect enough solar energy,” reports Popular Mechanics: Le Monde describes the road as “pale with its ragged joints,” with “solar panels that peel off the road and the many splinters [from] that enamel…