Male scientists are often cast as lone geniuses. Here’s what happened when a woman was.

The sexist backlash against the woman involved with the black hole image, explained. Just after the Event Horizon Telescope project announced last week that its astronomers had managed to capture the first-ever image of a black hole, MIT tweeted this image. Here’s the moment when the first black hole image was processed, from the eyes… Continue reading Male scientists are often cast as lone geniuses. Here’s what happened when a woman was.

Twitter Removed Links to News Stories That Mentioned Leaked TV Shows

Starz used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to force Twitter to kill tweets about its leaked episodes of ‘American Gods.’ Source:…

The EU Is Pissed at Steam for Region-Locking Games

Region-locking—when a publisher restricts the sale of a video game in certain markets—is a fact of life in gaming. Sometimes publishers want to avoid a cultural backlash, other times they don’t want a game to release in a region it’s not localized for. Often, games will have different prices in different regions. Now, the European… Continue reading The EU Is Pissed at Steam for Region-Locking Games