Meet the giant exoplanet where it rains iron

The temperatures on the day side of giant exoplanet WASP-76b are scorching, high enough for metals to be vaporized. But the night side is cooler, and winds carry an iron “rain” from the day side to the night side. Source:…

Is Sirius the most luminous star?

It’s the brightest star in Earth’s sky, so spectacularly bright that you might see glints of different colors radiating from it. But is Sirius so bright because it’s an extremely powerful star? Source:…

Castor is six stars in one

The bright bluish-white star, Castor, in the constellation Gemini, appears to our eyes as a single star. But it’s actually a family of 6 stars. Source:…

New clues in the search for the universe’s oldest galaxies

An astronomer reports on a very old galaxy cluster – labeled XLSSC 122 – whose light has taken 10.4 billion years to travel across the universe to us. Source:…

Make your own galaxy image with NASA’s Astrophoto Challenges

Open Through February 29, the contest lets you use real astronomical data and tools to create your own beautiful image of the iconic starburst galaxy M82. Source:…