A Third CRISPR Baby May Have Already Been Born in China

An anonymous reader shares a report: The Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, held in Hong Kong last November, was meant to debate the pros and cons of genetically engineering humans. Instead, the proceedings were turned upside down by the revelation that He Jiankui, a Chinese biophysicist, had already done it. He’d gone ahead and edited the DNA of twin…

Today in science: Sally Ride in space

She was the 1st American woman in space, eventually flying on 2 Space Shuttle missions. She played a key role in the investigation of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. And she inspired people. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/sally-ride-1st-american-woman-in-space-june-18-1983…

New Deepfake Algorithm Allows You To Text-Edit the Words of a Speaker In a Video

It is now possible to take a talking-head style video, and add, delete or edit the speaker’s words as simply as you’d edit text in a word processor. A new deepfake algorithm can process the audio and video into a new file in which the speaker says more or less whatever you want them to. New Atlas reports: It’s the work…

Tech Companies Need To Take Responsibility For the ‘Chaos’ They Create, Tim Cook Says

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Sunday in a commencement address at Stanford University that technology companies need to take responsibility for the “chaos” they create. From a report: He did not name specific companies in his speech, but referenced several reasons that tech firms, particularly social media platforms, have come under scrutiny in recent months. He also made an apparent reference…

Gemini Planet Imager analyzes 300 stars

Over the past four years, an instrument attached to a telescope in the Chilean Andes—known as the Gemini Planet Imager—has set its gaze on 531 stars in search of new planets. The team, led by Stanford University, is now releasing initial findings from the first half of the survey, published June 12 in The Astronomical Journal. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-06-gemini-planet-imager-stars.html…

The Underground Network of Microbes That Connects Trees Mapped For First Time

For the first time, scientists have mapped the millions of species of fungi and bacteria that swap nutrients between soil and the roots of trees, using a database of more than 28,000 tree species living in more than 70 countries. This interconnected web of organisms throughout the woods is being dubbed the “wood wide web.” Science Magazine reports: Before scientists could…

How to Design Lessons Based on Current Research

Written by Younes Bensouda Mourri & Adam Hodges We live in a time of rapidly accelerating advancements in technology. This can be seen in the field of machine translation which, over the course of a few years, has gone from rule-based translation techniques to neural network techniques to the most recent approach known as the […]
The post How to Design Lessons…

Nils Nilsson, 86, Dies; Scientist Helped Robots Find Their Way

He was part of a Stanford team whose work in artificial intelligence has found its way into smartphones, Siri and other hallmarks of the algorithmic age. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/25/obituaries/nils-nilssen-dead.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

Coursera Turns 7: Celebrate With Us!

Back in April 2012, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng launched Coursera to enable anyone, anywhere to transform their life through learning. Seven years ago, we couldn’t have imagined where we’d be today: connecting 40 million learners around the globe with the world’s greatest thinkers, educators, and institutions. A lot has happened since 2012. We admire […]
The post Coursera Turns 7: Celebrate…

Some AI just shouldn’t exist

Source: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/4/19/18412674/ai-bias-facial-recognition-black-gay-transgender…