Glittering image of Andromeda galaxy takes top photography award

This tantalising image of spiral galaxy Andromeda – our nearest big neighbour – won Nicolas Lefadeux top prize at the 2020 Insight Investment Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition Source:…

Unraveling a spiral stream of dusty embers from a massive binary stellar forge

With almost two decades of mid-infrared (IR) imaging from the largest observatories around the world including the Subaru Telescope, a team of astronomers was able to capture the spiral motion of newly formed dust streaming from the massive and evolved binary star system Wolf-Rayet (WR) 112. Massive binary star systems, as well as supernova explosions, are regarded as sources of dust…

What are brown dwarfs?

A brown dwarf is more massive than a planet, but less massive than a star. Exactly how much more and less? Source:…

Complain Like the French To Boost Health Or Spiral Into the Negative?

“In France, a complaint is an appropriate and frequent conversation starter — but the appropriateness of when, to whom and about what to complain is a delicate art,” writes Emily Monaco via the BBC. Slashdot reader omfglearntoplay shares excerpts from the report: Many a conversation in France begins with a sigh and a lament. The French attitude towards complaining is uncomfortable…

Repeating fast radio burst woke up again on schedule. Now what?

FRB 121102 is one of the few known repeating fast radio bursts, and astronomers are trying to use this new period of activity to understand it better. Some predict the current active phase should end sometime between August 31 and September 9. Will it? Source:…

New study questions decades of research on the evolution of spiral galaxies

Previous studies on the formation and evolution of spiral galaxies might have been based on an incorrect assumption, suggests a team of researchers of Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA). Source:…

What are cloud streets?

Cloud streets are a manifestation of Earth’s atmosphere in motion. They’re mostly seen by satellites looking down on Earth, but people sometimes catch them from the ground, too. Check out these cool images! Source:…

Astronomers spy a Milky Way look-alike 12 billion light-years away

This distant galaxy – SPT0418-47 – surprised astronomers by being organized enough to have a spinning disk and a galactic bulge, early in the history of our universe. Source:…