Researchers describe 71 new species in 2019

New species from 5 continents and 3 oceans include geckos, goblin spiders, flowering plants, and Mediterranean ants. Source:…

Robotic spiders to explore the moon

There is no doubt that one of the hallmarks of the modern space age is that it is becoming increasingly democratic. In addition to more space agencies entering the fray, private aerospace companies are contributing like never before. It is no surprise, then, that there are innovators and entrepreneurs that want to increase public access and participation in space exploration. Source:…

September’s birthstone is the sapphire

Sapphires, a form of the mineral corundum, were once believed to be protection against snakes. Source:…

Trilobites: How Giant Sea Spiders May Survive in Warming Oceans

The strange creatures’ adaptations to the cold of the Antarctic Ocean may also help them as their habitats heat up. Source:…

This Tarantula Became a Scientific Celebrity. Was It Poached From the Wild?

Controversy over a new spider species has resurrected thorny ethical questions about scientists and their specimens. Source: