How do monarch butterflies know when it’s time to migrate?

Overwintering monarch butterflies rely on a temperature-sensitive internal timer to wake them up to make the trip back north, researchers report. Source:…

A new species of duck-billed dinosaur

Duck-billed dinosaurs – hadrosaurids – were common 80 million years ago. Now scientists have discovered a complete skull of a previously unknown species of hadrosaurid, which sported unusual skull and face features. Source:…

Undiscovered dinosaurs: We are entering the golden era of fossil finds

From tiny tyrannosaurs to species that soar on bat wings, new dinosaurs are unearthed every month. And the strangest discoveries may yet be lying in wait Source:…

How fireflies glow and what signals they’re sending

Are the gentle blinks of fireflies flashing a favorite part of your summer evenings? An entomologist explains some lightning bug basics. Source:…

Strange Forest ‘Superorganism’ Is Keeping a New Zealand Vampire Tree Alive

The Grim Reefer shares a report from Live Science: Once a mighty kauri tree — a species of conifer that can grow up to 165 feet (50 meters) tall — the low, leafless stump looks like it should be long dead. But, as a new study published today in the journal iScience reminds us, looks are only surface-deep. Below the soil,…

Some jellyfish sperm have stingers that fire inside females

A few species of jellyfish fertilise eggs internally, and their sperm come with tiny stingers that help them anchor to the tissue within the female gonads Source:…

New monkey species found in Amazon area threatened by deforestation

With its distinctive white tail, the Munduruku marmoset is the newest species of monkey we have found – but deforestation in the Amazon threatens its habitat Source:…

Why do birds sing?

Birds spend a lot of time and energy singing, but they don’t do it the same way in every season of the year. And some can’t sing at all. What’s the purpose of birdsong? Source:…

Many Animals Can’t Adapt Fast Enough To Climate Change

A new paper in Nature Communications, coauthored by more than 60 researchers, sifted through 10,000 previous studies and found that the climatic chaos we’ve sowed may just be too intense for many animals to survive. From a report: Some species seem to be adapting, yes, but they aren’t doing so fast enough. That spells, in a word, doom. To determine how…

Modeling exoplanet atmospheres

All atoms and molecules emit distinctive spectral lines across the spectrum, the details of which depend on the internal structures of the species (for example, the vibration and rotation properties of molecules) and how they are excited by their environments. Measurements of the features’ brightnesses, relative intensities, and shapes enable astronomers, at least in principle, to reconstruct most of the essential…