Virgin Galactic Unexpectedly Aborted a Test Flight of Its Space Plane

CNN reports:
Virgin Galactic’s supersonic rocket plane was scheduled to fire into the upper atmosphere Saturday, but after climbing more than 40,000 feet over New Mexico attached to its mothership, the space plane made an unexpected turn toward home rather than shooting skyward. The company confirmed that the space plane, which was carrying test pilots CJ Sturckow and Dave Mackay, safely landed….

China’s space ambitions: robot on Mars, a human on the moon

China’s landing of its third probe on the moon is part of an increasingly ambitious space program that has a robot rover en route to Mars, is developing a reusable space plane and is planning to put humans back on the lunar surface. Source:…

The launch and landing of China’s reusable spacecraft

Although few details are known, and no images have been released, the Chinese did apparently launch a reusable spacecraft on September 4, 2020. It appears to have deployed a satellite to orbit and then returned to Earth safely 2 days later. Source:…

China seems to have launched a secret reusable space plane

Early on 4 September, China launched a rocket carrying a “reusable experimental spacecraft” according to the state-run Xinhua News Agency – but the vehicle’s purpose is unknown Source:…

Slick New ‘Dream Chaser’ Space Plane Set For Launch in 2021

Syfy reports:
Soaring into the wild blue yonder and beyond, the planet’s only non-capsule, private orbital spacecraft, Dream Chaser, is slated to make its first flight sometime next year shuttling supplies and cargo to the International Space Station for NASA. This stylish unmanned space plane was recently given its official name, Tenacity, and a pair of exotic composite material wings to complete…

US military’s mystery space plane rockets back toward orbit

The U.S. military’s mystery space plane rocketed toward orbit again Sunday, this time with an extra load of science experiments. Source:…

Why a microwave-beam experiment will launch aboard the Air Force’s secretive X-37B space plane

There’s a microwave power experiment heading to space Saturday (May 16) aboard the Air Force’s secretive X-37B spaceplane. Researchers hope it could lead to a new global power source. Source:

X-37B set to launch on new mystery mission

The US military’s secretive space plane is due to launch on May 16th with a cargo full of experiments. The notoriously enigmatic vehicle, which looks … Source:…