Declassified file sheds light on Soviet-era UFO

A recently declassified CIA intelligence report has helped to shed new light on a 50-year-old UFO mystery. In the summer of 1973, an unspecified witne… Source:…

Russia Claims New Missile is 27 Times Faster Than Sound

“A new intercontinental weapon that can fly 27 times the speed of sound became operational Friday, Russia’s defense minister reported to President Vladimir Putin,” according to the Associated Press: Putin has described the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle as a technological breakthrough comparable to the 1957 Soviet launch of the first satellite. The new Russian weapon and a similar system being developed…

US Tests Ways To Sweep Space Clean of Radiation After Nuclear Attack

sciencehabit quotes a report from Science Magazine: The U.S. military thought it had cleared the decks when, on 9 July 1962, it heaved a 1.4-megaton nuclear bomb some 400 kilometers into space: Orbiting satellites were safely out of range of the blast. But in the months that followed the test, called Starfish Prime, satellites began to wink out one by one,…

Russia To Upgrade Homegrown Encyclopedia After Putin Pans Wikipedia

Russia is to set up a new online site for its national encyclopedia after President Vladimir Putin said Wikipedia was unreliable and should be replaced. From a report: The move will ensure people can find “reliable information that is constantly updated on the basis of scientifically verified sources of knowledge,” a government resolution said. Putin last month proposed replacing the crowd-sourced…

Chennai engineer helped find India’s Vikram lander

In September, India hoped to become the 4th nation to soft land on the moon successfully with its Chandrayaan 2 mission. Moments before touchdown, the mission’s Vikram lander crashed. Now the lander has been found again. Source:…

What Happened After The Explosion at a Virology Campus in Siberia?

Lasrick writes: You may remember the explosion at VECTOR, once a center of Soviet biological warfare research. Filippa Lentzos, senior research fellow jointly appointed in the Departments of War Studies and of Global Health and Social Medicine at King’s College London, just posted an update on what happened after the explosion. Her research focuses on biological threats and on the security…

Ants trapped for years in old Soviet nuclear bunker became cannibals

A colony of ants survived for years in an old nuclear bunker despite having no obvious food source – probably because the ants began eating one another Source:…