Hundreds of millions of locusts are forming swarms bigger than cities

The worst invasion by desert locusts in decades has hit Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. The swarms are destroying crops and could cost millions of dollars to contain Source:…

Gaslighting an Entire Nation

The U.S. usually underreports civilian deaths caused by its airstrikes. Proving it in Somalia is uniquely difficult.Source:…

From Dead to Dead 2: Monstrously Good Movies!

Well, it kind of looks like I’m on a bit of a zombie kick right now. Admittedly, that does happen now and again. The same thing happens with Japanese monster movies, too, but I digress! That’s a story for another day. Today, I’m going to highlight two of my favorite zombie-themed movies that I consider… Continue reading From Dead to Dead 2: Monstrously Good Movies!

The Secret Death Toll of America’s Drones

President Trump is making it harder to know how many civilians the government kills by remote control. Source: